Tip of the Week!

Saving Your Resume

File name and format is probably the last thing you think about when you’re crafting a resume, but it’s something you should be paying attention to. If an employer receives your resume in a format he or she is unable to open, or they can’t easily find it you run the risk of getting your application tossed out. To avoid that from happening, check out our resume saving tips below!

  • Follow instructions on which file format to use. Some employers may request a Word doc while others may only accept a PDF.
  • Avoid naming your resume “resume.doc” or “myresume.pdf”. Instead, use your name so it’s easy for the hiring manager to find. For example, ManaDenResume.pdf.

The ability to save files as a PDF usually comes standard on most word processing software. If yours does not, there are a number of websites that can convert your file to a PDF for free.

Be sure to check in weekly for more tips and tricks for job seekers!